President Bob Luliano updates the campus community on the strategic plan approval and the upcoming meeting for employees .
Dear Colleagues,
Last week, the Board of Trustees gathered for a special meeting to vote on the strategic plan, specifically the initiatives elevated through the good work of the Integrated Learning Committee and the Structure and Resources Committee. I am pleased to report that the Board unanimously approved the plan and they likewise were united in their excitement and belief in the vision it outlines for the future of Gettysburg College.
I want to offer my deepest thanks to the many members of our faculty, staff, and student body who contributed their innovative thinking to this work. Living Our Promise represents a thoughtful and ambitious direction for our community—and, most importantly, it will be brought to life in the years ahead by our community. Thank you for your spirited collaboration over the last year and a half to make our strategic plan possible!
We will publicly announce the strategic plan to current students, prospective students, alumni, and others later this year. More immediately, however, we want to engage employees in a conversation related to the strategic plan implementation and approved funding, as well as our budget work to date.
The College will hold a community update for employees on Thursday, April 21, at 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. The meetings will be held in Mara Auditorium, Masters Hall. For any employee who cannot attend in person, the meetings with be streamed via Zoom (links forthcoming). I encourage you to join us for this session.
Again, thank you for your hard work in developing such a distinctive and inspiring plan at a time unlike any other in recent history. It is a testament to the character of this community and to the sense of purpose we feel to preparing our students for lives of consequence.
With gratitude,
Bob Iuliano