Do you remember the time when our children were home all day long? They took their classes from their laptops in their rooms while many of us worked on laptops in other rooms. We were all together every day—morning to night—isolated and sometimes quarantined due to a strange, new virus spreading throughout the world. During that time, we missed proms, sporting events, and life events like weddings, births, and funerals. It was the time of COVID, and we were all learning how to navigate this new reality.
Some of us were talking about our children entering college. We worried that they wouldn’t have in-person learning or even tours. We worried if they were emotionally and scholastically ready after months of lockdown. How would we navigate this strange new time and find the right school for our children?
Our daughter, Gabriella Germano ’25, emphatically stated, “I won’t consider any school that isn’t assuring me that I will learn in class. I cannot be in quarantine. I just don’t learn that way.”

Gabriella was preparing to graduate high school in the spring of 2021. In April 2021, we began to look at schools and a few stood out. One of those schools was Gettysburg College. We began to make arrangements to visit the area—a joyful, family event that meant a road trip, hotels, and new restaurants for all of us, including our terrier, Roxy.
We had seen a handful of other schools, so we knew somewhat what to expect. There may be masks and lines, but there were always eager, budding young adults ready to get out of their bedrooms and into the world.
It was a beautiful sunny spring day as we approached Gettysburg College, and the campus was alive with activity. From that moment, it just felt right. We met a nice young woman who took us on a tour. I am convinced that the sight of teenagers just slightly older than our daughter playing volleyball on the lawn and lounging in Adirondack chairs in pairs and groups was the first sign that this might be the right school for her, too.

After the tour, we went home, and Gabriella ultimately decided on Gettysburg for the math program, the study abroad program, and the promise of in-classroom learning. I was happy about the decision because I also believed it felt right for her.
Ultimately, we began to prepare for the August Move-In Day and Orientation. As we arrived on campus, packs of students approached our car to help us unpack the boxes and move Gabriella into her room—what a wonderful touch after months alone in our house! We were engaged with people again. We moved her in, returned home, and eagerly awaited Family Weekend in October.

As we returned to Gettysburg for the weekend’s events, we signed up for everything we could. We wanted to be a part of our daughter’s life, even if she was only a few hours away. At the first welcome reception, we met Assistant Vice President for College Advancement Kathleen Regentin P’26, as well as others from Gettysburg and other parents. We noticed how warm Kathleen and the administration were and how genuinely curious they were about how Gabriella was settling in. It was caring that has continued throughout our daughter’s time here. Gettysburg wasn’t just a school for our daughter to attend. It was also a place where we felt we all belonged. Even Roxy was welcome.
Belonging is important for any of us. University students with a higher sense of belonging have previously been found to experience higher levels of academic engagement, motivation, achievement, and self-confidence. Gettysburg fosters this atmosphere which is essential to its success and students’ success. We can see this in our own daughter. She is motivated to succeed in her own way while embracing leadership roles by getting involved in the Equestrian Club, studying in France during the Spring 2024 semester, and participating in Delta Gamma activities.
The administration has also been an essential component of that belonging feeling. From meetings with President Bob Iuliano to discuss the activities and direction of the College to Parents Leadership Council, Cupola Society discussions, and Zoom presentations, Gettysburg has ensured that we are aware and as involved as we would like to be. It comes from a genuine place of wanting to be transparent and have our voices heard. We joined the Parent’s Leadership Council and learned so much more about Gettysburg, which only supported our belief in the College’s ability to give students A Consequential Education.
I encourage any new Gettysburg parent to join the Parents Leadership Council. It gives participants an essential view into how the College is supporting students through the Gettysburg Approach and helping students confront the challenges that await them after Gettysburg. The belonging feeling that Gettysburg engenders makes it a standout College.
I have such faith in the school that I have encouraged my local employees to support Gettysburg students in externships and through career fairs. The interactions with the students and my New York-based team have been very positive, and Gettysburg students have displayed their characteristic leadership skills that have impressed my colleagues. These students are ready to “Do Great Work!”
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By Connie and Todd Germano P’25
Header photo by Miranda Harple; photos courtesy of Connie and Todd Germano P’25
Posted: 12/03/24