Midterm exam

Divine Rape:
Coercion, Consumption and Colonialism
First Year Seminar 119
Fall 1998     Gettysburg College



Answer all sections of the exam;  section one is worth twenty percent (20%), section two is worth twenty percent (20%), and section three is worth sixty percent (60%).  These exams are due at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, October 14th.  Remember that we must meet in the library instruction room (LIR) that morning;  tardiness (of even a few minutes) will be penalized.  This exam is to be completed by you and you alone;  you may make use of your books, your notes, and reserve materials, but you may NOT discuss this exam with anyone, nor may you use another person's notes.  Violation of this prohibition will constitute a serious infraction of the Honor Code, possibly resulting in failure of the course.


I.    Provide the context for and explain the significance of two (2) of the following three (3) passages;  your answers should be three to five sentences in length.  Be sure to identify the exact source of the passage.


    A.    Then the earls' sworn oaths will be broken on both sides.  Thereupon, mortal hates will surge up in Ingeld and love for his wife will grow cooler in him after the upsurgings of anxiety.


    B.    The main difference as far as I can see between rape and a normal sexual act is that rape isn't about just sex. Rape is really more about power, and the feeling of empowerment one experiences because they can force such a traditionally sacred and special thing on a certain person who seems helpless to do anything about it at all.


    C.    The ladies pleaded in vain.  They began at once to beat them with their buckled straps and to hack their flesh cruelly with their sharp spurs.  They tore through their shifts to the flesh and the clear red blood poured our over their golden tunics.  They were pierced to the heart with shame.


II.    Give a succinct yet informative identification of three (3) of the following five (5) terms;  these answers should illustrate your command of the reading and discussion material, and should be three to five sentences in length.


A. Colada

B. Parthenogenesis

C. Comitatus

D. Cuckold

E. Pain


III.    Essay Questions:  Answer any two (2) of the following three (3) questions.  Your answers should be thoughtful, insightful, draw upon class discussion, critical readings, reserve readings, etc., and tie fundamental course concepts with a minimum of three (3) narrative texts (i.e. "stories").  Each essay should draw upon different texts, and each should be approximately 500-1000 words in length.  Cite and remark upon specific passages in order to illustrate your points, but include 500-1000 of your own words.


    A.    Drawing upon a number of other narratives we've read, discuss how issues of military and/or political expansion and colonialism are addressed in the terms of the human body, sexual intercourse, and gender relations in Fraternity Gang Rape.


    B.    Identify and discuss examples of conceptions of the nature and function of metaphors of the body in a number of narratives we've read, using Sowing the Body as your point of reference.


    C.    Explain how women are construed as a medium of exchange in terms of political power, material wealth, social cohesion, etc. in the context of a number of narratives we've discussed.  Distinguish between a number of such models.



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[Divine Rape] [Readings] [Evaluations] [Schedule] [Research] [Leaders] [Exams]

Christopher Fee
Department of English, Box 397
Mondays & Wednesdays, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., Fridays, 10:00 a.m. to noon
(717)  337-6762

Rosario Ramos González
Department of Spanish, Box 411
Wednesdays & Fridays, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
(717) 337-6856

12/08/98 05:15:36 PM
